Alligator vs. Ducks (a random story)

my backyard
I live in south Louisiana and grew up on the bayou. It was literally my back yard...named after my family & flowing along the 18 acres my grandfather owned. Lots of great adventures there over the years, but this one stands out in my mind. 

I was 15, a sophomore in high school. There was a huge square chunk of concrete in the water, right along the bank, that had a smaller square on top of it. It was a perfect seat for reading. I spent a lot of time out there, book in hand or just watching the water. On this particular day, I sat reading while my German Shepherd, Sasha, wandered along the levee. The property across the bayou from us was a small farm. They had goats, sheep, and ducks. I saw a mama duck & about a dozen ducklings drop into the water for a swim. I smiled at how cute they were and went back to my book. Then something else caught my eye. An alligator popped up behind the ducks. Mama Duck went into a frenzy, trying to get her ducklings to safety. The gator dipped back under the water. In the meantime, I ran Sasha back over the levee to her pen and rushed to the house to call my parents & brother out to watch what was sure to unfold. When we got back to my rock, the alligator was still underwater, but it wasn't long before he popped up and grabbed a mouthful of ducklings. He got about half of them and dropped back under the water. I was so sad, but also realized that 1. That's nature! and 2. This was an amazing thing to be witnessing! We kept watching and a few minutes later, the alligator resurfaced and grabbed the mama duck. She fought with all she had. He did the death roll, but somehow, she managed to get away. The alligator disappeared, and mama duck ushered her remaining ducklings out of the water. My family and I were in awe of what we'd just watched. We found out later that she only lasted a few more days, but what a brave mama she was, fighting to save her babies! 

When I went to school the next day, my biology teacher overheard me telling a friend about it. I'm not sure he fully believed my story, but he asked where the heck I lived (LOL) and if I'd recorded it. I wish that I'd had a video camera to do so! It was like National Geographic in my backyard.

One of many bayou stories. Not the only one containing alligators. :)

Until next time...


  1. As sad as it makes me for the duckies, I totally love this story. The way you wrote about it, I could almost have been there myself!


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