Harry Potter Link Up!

Ashley at Simply, Ashley. posted this Harry Potter questionnaire/link-up. I've never participated in one of these, so I hope I'm doing this right. But I love all things HP, so here we go! 

1)Your favorite of the 7 books?
2)Your favorite of the films?
3)Which, if any, of the films made you angry for not staying true to the book?
4)Your least favorite female character and why?
5)Your favorite male character and why?
6)What house would you LIKE to be in? now be realisticwhich would The Sorting Hat put you in?
7)Which subject would be your favorite at Hogwarts?
* Share some of your favorite HP pins, quotes etc

1. It's a tie between Goblet of Fire & Order of the Phoenix. I feel like GoF is when things took a darker turn, a more grown-up route, and that was really appealing to me. OotP played off of that & set up the rest of the series.

2. Half Blood Prince. It was very deep, character-wise. Gave me a new appreciation of Snape.

3. OotP...I wish they'd gone deeper into Neville's story. I really wanted to see St. Mungo's on film, too! And I wish Dudley's last words to Harry from Deathly Hallows would have been in the movie. 

4. Umbridge, of course! 

5. Remus Lupin. I can't put my finger on exactly why...I just really like him in the books and on film. I think maybe it's because he seemed to be the moral compass of Sirius & James. He just seems like an all around good guy.

6. I've always felt like I'd be a Ravenclaw. I think the Sorting Hat would agree.

7. As boring as Professor Binns would be, I think I'd like History of Magic. Care of Magical Creatures would be great, too!

*I have a Pinterest board dedicated to Harry Potter... :)

after filming their last scene


  1. You did it perfectly! Thank you for linking up love!

  2. Love your pins....almost started crying again at the one of filming their last scene!!! I'm such a sap!! HA!


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